- 产品描述
myc基因是较早发现的一组癌基因,包括C - myc,N -myc,L - myc ,分别定位于8号染色体,2号染色体和1号染色体。结构上由不编码蛋白质的第1外显子和编码蛋白质的第2、3外显子构成,与之同源的病毒癌基因存在于MC29及其它一些具有高度致癌性的猿逆转录病毒中。myc基因高水平表达时可转化啮齿类成纤维细胞。
使用细胞遗传学方法、Southern blot、PCR技术检测c-MYC基因断裂重组都有其局限性。细胞遗传学方法由于样本有丝分裂的低比率以及中期分裂相的质量问题导致部分样本检测受限;Southern blot、PCR检测c-MYC基因相关的易位需要多种针对性的引物,耗时且不利于实际操作。用FISH探针检测c-MYC基因断裂情况,可以克服以上困难,并且快速、易于操作,有助于BL的辅助诊断。
MYC/IGH融合基因t(14;8)探针 |
MYEOV/IGH融合基因t(11;14)探针 |
BCL2/IGH融合基因t(14;18)探针 |
MALT1(18q21)基因断裂探针 |
CCND1(11q13)基因断裂探针 |
BCL6(3q37)基因断裂探针 |
13/18/21/XY染色体计数探针 |
XY染色体计数探针 |
p53/RB1/ATM/CSP12/D13S25基因探针 |
5q33/5q31/D7S486/D7S522/CSP8/D20S108/XY基因探针 |
4/10/17/KMT2A[ETV6RUNX1]/[BCRABL(DF)]基因探针 |
p53/D13S319/RB1/1q21/IGH基因探针 |
13/16/18/21/22/XY染色体计数探针 |
ALK(2p23)基因断裂探针 |
EML4/ALK融合基因 t(2;2); inv(2) 探针 |
1p和19q探针 |
我司还提供:登革热,黄热病,基肯孔热,西尼罗河,立次克体,无形体,蜱虫,恙虫,锥虫,利什曼原虫,RK39, 汉坦病毒,乙脑,森林脑炎,寨卡病毒 ,H7N9 ,流感,霍乱,军团菌,结核,诺如病毒,轮状病毒,炭疽,O157,葡萄球菌 ,流行性出血热,伤寒杆菌,志贺氏菌检测试剂,!
【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【】 杨永汉
【腾讯 】
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-3室
As gene detection is becoming more and more "hot", the support of the hardware - gene sequencing instrument behind it has become an increasingly competitive place for the industry. The purple Xin Branch, Hua Yinkang, desert gene and other enterprises in recent years have announced the success of independent research and development of domestic gene sequencing technology to break the monopoly of the United States. In response, domestic gene sequencing leader gene responded to surging news: launching a prototype is not enough. We hope that the industry will be extended to mass production and clinical application as soon as possible.
Vice president of Shenzhen, said China made Dazhi Technology Co. Ltd. Shenzhen Huada Gene Research Institute Vice President Jiang Hui in an interview with the surging news: "we did not say that we are the only one, but we will say that we are able to reach the production level."
The advent of the second generation of high-throughput gene sequencer has made gene detection more and more valuable in the field of cancer prevention, treatment and birth control.